2/20–lazy fridays

I probably spend far too much time on my couch—but I love it.  I am afraid what would happen if I got a really really nice couch.  Thankfully, that will not be happening for some time to come.  Last night I went straight to the wine shop after work….got some good bread, good cheese, and a couple bottles of wine.  I then curled up on the couch—devoured the bread and cheese (shhh…don’t tell my trainer b/c it wasn’t a workout day!) and enjoyed some wine while watching Gossip Girl and then Grand Budapest Hotel.   The pup was curled up or sprawled out beside me the whole time and it was perfect and relaxing.  Exactly what it needed to be.  I didn’t drink so much that I couldn’t get up and run this morning but just enough to relax and enjoy the evening.   I’m also really excited because I got one of those electric wine bottle openers from my uncle and I got to use it last night.  Yeah to small pleasures!   So thank you wine, cheese, bad tv, and good movies—and the pup of course.

1/9–Meg–Oh the humanity

Finally got back to the gym Thursday night which wasn’t quite as horrible as I anticipated.  Especially after the grueling 5.8 mile run I did totally unprepared last weekend.  After the gym I did feel like my arms were going to fall off but I guess they didn’t, so that’s a plus.

And then it was Friday—the end of a very long week where I had to jump back into the deep end at work after nearly 2 weeks off….and I had to train 4 new people.  I was exhausted…but didn’t have a moment to stop and think about it.  So Friday we went for wine at the best little wine shop around and decided to give Cards against humanity a chance.  I hated the cards I got…which I think says a lot about my friends and our sense of humor because we all sort of agreed that our cards weren’t pushing the boundaries enough—weren’t offensive enough…seriously….everyone talks about how offensive this game was and we were like, can we make our own cards?

But anyway, it was fun to play with everyone and even better to drink wine, eat good bread and cheese, and relax while not working or talking about work.  Then I went home with the best of intentions:  drink more wine, watch netflix.  Instead I watched maybe 30 minutes of TV before falling asleep drooling on my couch with a full glass of wine in front of me.  A successful night all around, I’d say!

12/16 Megan–In Vino Veritas

Faubourg wines.  That’s what I am thankful for. I love wine.  I love this wine shop.  I can get a bottle, a glass, some cheese, I can bring my dog, I can get food sometimes.  The owner is awesome.  The employees are awesome.  It’s all just awesome.  They have wine and cheese classes there every few months.  They are always fun.  And you actually get decent servings of both wine and cheese.  Not those poor excuses for a cheese serving or a spittle of wine.  Plus you learn shit and have fun.  Oh and since I am always freezing…it is so great that it is always the perfect temp in there.  Seriously:  best place ever.  Did I mention that they’ll deliver.  They are only 8 blocks from my house, maybe 10…but either way, walking distance.  I only ever ordered wine from them once and that was just because I could….I much rather would go there.

Darcy and I went tonight and Four Calendar Cafe was cooking.  I have never had the chance to be there when they were cooking.  I was hesitant on the dish I ordered b/c it had beets but I went with it anyway…..I hate beets.  I can’t find anything redeeming about them.  Despite that, this dish was fucking delicious. It was a dumpling made entirely of farmers cheese surrounded by sauerkraut and beets….but the sauerkraut totally drowned out the beets and it was perfection.  Seriously so good.  Tonight was a spur of the moment—I want a glass of wine!  Come drink with me and it was all things great.

12/11 Meg—movie night, allllllllll right

What the hell is that picture?  Is that what you are asking right now.   Well I had no idea how to take a picture of my gratitude tonight and this was the best I could come up with so I ran with it.  Tonight, anyone who worked at my job was invited to the movies.  We had a whole theater to ourselves and not only that, it was a fancy theater with food and wine–served while you watched the movie.  Only about half the staff showed up so we had full license to order whatever we wanted.  My boss had won a night for 50 at an auction a few months ago and we threw a movie night for staff.  It was pretty damn cool.  I go to this movie theater every so often, there are giant comfy seats, booze, and food….and you never have to get up, you literally push a button and someone comes and caters to you.  And tonight, I got to do that and order whatever I wanted…..it was pretty awesome.  It is always great to hang out with folks from work when there is no pressure and everyone can just do whatever they want.  So my pic is of my wine glass and the movie screen…it’s the best I could do to capture the night.

12/5 Meg–Friday night drinks

For most of this year we had a ritual, every Friday after work, we get drinks and are home way before the young people even think about heading out.  We got busy and tired and our Friday night drinks fell by the wayside.  But last night we got together again.  It was great.  Great food, good wine and good friends.  They’ll probably kill me when they realize I publicly posted this picture but oh well.  Last night is just what I needed after feeling like hell the day before.  I don’t think you realize how important it is to get out of the house and hang out with people that make you laugh and will listen to your stupid stories. It helps reset me, give me a minute to relax and not worry about x, y, or z.   I am pretty cynical, judgemental and can be quite an asshole half the time but the wine and the friends help bring out the non-asshole half of me and I’m grateful for that!