12/11 Meg—movie night, allllllllll right

What the hell is that picture?  Is that what you are asking right now.   Well I had no idea how to take a picture of my gratitude tonight and this was the best I could come up with so I ran with it.  Tonight, anyone who worked at my job was invited to the movies.  We had a whole theater to ourselves and not only that, it was a fancy theater with food and wine–served while you watched the movie.  Only about half the staff showed up so we had full license to order whatever we wanted.  My boss had won a night for 50 at an auction a few months ago and we threw a movie night for staff.  It was pretty damn cool.  I go to this movie theater every so often, there are giant comfy seats, booze, and food….and you never have to get up, you literally push a button and someone comes and caters to you.  And tonight, I got to do that and order whatever I wanted…..it was pretty awesome.  It is always great to hang out with folks from work when there is no pressure and everyone can just do whatever they want.  So my pic is of my wine glass and the movie screen…it’s the best I could do to capture the night.

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