2/23–odd couple

On Sunday after my workout I sat in my yard enjoying the sun and 75 degree day.  It was wonderful. I was stretched out, eyes closed, face turned up to the sun.  I opened my eyes for a second and looked at Baba who was doing exactly the same thing as me.  Guess we really do have a lot in common with our dogs!  ðŸ˜‰. 

Tonight after work I decided to exercise right away and then make dinner. Baba is not allowed on the couch or to sit next to me when I eat which apparently was not pleasing to her.  My workout and then dinner delayed her couch time and she was not having it.  Mid dinner I look over and see her with her head in the curtains staring at me. She was showing me her displeasure I guess.  The dog is weird and I couldn’t be happier she is mine!!